Nikola Tesla Wiki - Nikola Tesla Legend

Tesla Experimental Station

Tesla Experimental Station -  a laboratory in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA built in 1899 by inventor Nikola Tesla and for his study of the use of high-voltage, high-frequency electricity in wireless power transmission. Tesla used it for only one...

Adams Power Plant Transformer House

The Adams Power Plant Transformer House is the only remaining structure of the Niagara Hydro-Electric Power Plant, the world’s first large alternate current (AC) power plant. The plant started operating in 1895. The facility was built by...

Wardenclyffe Tower

Wardenclyffe Tower, also known as the Tesla Tower, is a 57-meter high radio transmitter and experimental tower that Nikola Tesla started building in 1901. The main financier was J.P. Morgan, who invested $150,000 in the project (equivalent to more than $4...

Bryant Park

When Nikola Tesla lived at the New Yorker Hotel, his daily routine was a 15-minute walk to the popular Bryant Park where he fed the pigeons. In late 1937, he was hit by a taxi on his regular route. It took him several months to recover from the accident,...

The New Yorker hotel

Nikola Tesla lived in the New Yorker Hotel from 1933 to 1943 - the last 10 years of his life. When the New Yorker first opened in 1930, it was the largest hotel in the world with 2,500 rooms, five restaurants, and ten private dinner lounges. Tesla's...

Memorial center „Nikola Tesla“ Smiljan

Nikola Tesla's birthplace is today a memorial center dedicated to this great scientist and inventor. The center was opened in 2006 on the 150th anniversary of Nikola's birth.


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