What illness did Nikola Tesla suffer from? Part I - Nikola Tesla Wiki - Nikola Tesla Legend
What illness did Nikola Tesla suffer from? Part I

What illness did Nikola Tesla suffer from? Part I

Damir Kapustic

When examining Tesla’s life, we can conclude that most of Tesla's weirdness was self-inflicted. Starting from his childhood when his father forbade him from staying up past bedtime. Tesla disagreed with it, made his own candles since his father took them all away, took clothing to stop the light leaks, and stayed up until dawn every night. He wanted to read everything he could by candlelight, forgetting about the severe consequences of sleep deprivation for a very young growing brain. From an early age, Tesla was a bit unusual child, with visionary experiences, talking to people who were not there, exploring invisible cities, etc. He reports that he had to take mental control of his daily hallucinations to survive in the normal world, but this helped him to grow extremely detailed 3D visual imagination. He repeated the same thing in college, and his university comprehended kicking him out for fearing ruining his health by exhaustion and collapse. Tesla attempted to read the entire university library by remaining awake 20hrs per day for months. That was only the beginning of his problems.



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