Disinformations About Nikola Tesla's Inventions
According to Faktograf.hr, a video is being shared on Facebook in which it is falsely claimed that Nikola Tesla discovered the secret of free energy, but the powerful covered up his discovery.
Here you can read the description of the Facebook post that has been circulating since September, when it has been viewed more than 100,000 times and has garnered more than 2,000 likes and the same number of shares:
"Here in this video you will see why it is so and who is responsible for the hell on earth in which we still live today" – statement on Facebook page "Kako Dalje"
A video clip in which are made incorrect claims about the scientist Nikola Tesla was published by the profile "Kako Dalje", and was originally published on the YouTube channel bebamur2.
Video "Why was Tesla's discovery banned and who is Einstein really?" it was published on the channel bebamur2 six years ago, while the said channel publishes content related to conspiracy theories such as those about aliens, pyramids in Bosnia and similar.
In addition to the inaccuracy of the statement about the cover-up of free energy already mentioned at the beginning, the video mentions several other incorrect statements that Damir Škrjanec, vice president of the "Society for the Promotion of Science and Critical Thinking - Skeptics", commented on for Faktograf.hr, who previously gave numerous lectures on Nikola Tesla.