20th Decanter World Wine Awards 2023. - Announcement of the results on June 30th - Nikola Tesla News - Nikola Tesla Legend
20th Decanter World Wine Awards 2023. - Announcement of the results on June 30th 412

20th Decanter World Wine Awards 2023. - Announcement of the results on June 30th

Ivana Knežević
/ Categories: TESLA WINE news


The results of the highly anticipated 20th Decanter World Wine Awards 2023 will be announced on Friday, June 30th. The grand occasion will be held in the Atrium of the County palace, where the awarded wines from the picturesque Varazdin County region will be ceremoniously presented.




Event Venue: Atrium of the County palace, Varazdin, Croatia

Date: June 30, 2023.

Start Time: 11 AM



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