Nikola Tesla’s death didn’t go quiet - Nikola Tesla Mysteries - Nikola Tesla Legend
Nikola Tesla’s death didn’t go quiet

Nikola Tesla’s death didn’t go quiet

Tesla died at the age of 86 in room 3327 of the Hotel New Yorker. His obsession with the number 3 was clearly visible when choosing a room to live in. On 7 January 1943 his body was found by maid Alice Monaghan who ignored the “do not disturb'' sign and entered Tesla’s room after seeing this sign two days earlier. The medical examiner determined the cause of his death as coronary thrombosis. Two days after Nikola Tesla’s death, a professor at M.I.T. and established electrical engineer John G. Trump was called by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to analyze his items, which were being held in the custody of the Alien Property Custodian. Trump’s report concluded that there was no hazard, saying that his research was primarily speculative, but did not include new, workable principles or methods for their realization.



Tesla and wines from croatia

While exploring the life of Nikola Tesla, we found an interesting correspondence with his uncle who lived in Varaždin, Croatia. In several of his letters, Tesla asked his uncle to send him wines from Varazdin to the USA because he liked those wines the most. In his letters, Tesla was very passionate about wine from Varazdin. These wines are equally excellent today.

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