Nikola Tesla saw a bright powerful lightning in pigeon’s eyes - Nikola Tesla Mysteries - Nikola Tesla Legend
Nikola Tesla saw a bright powerful lightning in pigeon’s eyes

Nikola Tesla saw a bright powerful lightning in pigeon’s eyes

Near the end of his life, Nikola Tesla became obsessed with pigeons. His whole life he claimed that he must obtain from women because no married man ever succeeded in science, but in his last days he fell in love with a pigeon. As he was searching for his inspiration, looking through the open window of his New York hotel room, pigeons often visited him. Once he saw a bright powerful lightning in the pigeon’s eyes, he grabbed it and the pigeon died in his arms. The inventor claimed that at that moment, he knew that he had finished his life’s work. “Yes, it was a real light, a powerful, dazzling, blinding light, a light more intense than I had ever produced by the most powerful lamps in my laboratory.”, Tesla said. He was convinced that the bird came to tell him that he was dying.



Tesla and wines from croatia

While exploring the life of Nikola Tesla, we found an interesting correspondence with his uncle who lived in Varaždin, Croatia. In several of his letters, Tesla asked his uncle to send him wines from Varazdin to the USA because he liked those wines the most. In his letters, Tesla was very passionate about wine from Varazdin. These wines are equally excellent today.

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