
Top 11 Things About Nikola Tesla

11. Nikola Tesla, born on July 10, 1856, in present-day Croatia, was the fourth child in a family of five. Despite a tumultuous academic background in Europe, he pursued careers in telegraph drafting and electrical work. In 1884, Tesla emigrated to the United States and began working for renowned inventor Thomas Edison.


10. Nikola Tesla was responsible for many technological advancements that have become integral to our daily lives. Among his contributions is the invention of the remote control, the development of neon and fluorescent lights, the discovery of wireless transmission, and the creation of the computer and smartphone technology, laser beams, x-rays, robotics, and alternating current, which forms the foundation of our current electrical system. Without Tesla's work, it is hard to imagine how different our world would be today.


9. Innovation was a family trait for Tesla. He once wrote, "My mother was an inventor of the first order and would, I believe, have achieved great things had she not been so remote from modern life and its multifold opportunities. She invented and constructed all kinds of tools and devices and wove the finest designs from thread which was spun by her." He attributed his success to the impact of both his parents.


8. Nikola Tesla spent 60 years of his life in New York City, and his presence can still be felt there. The junction of 40th St and 6th Ave in downtown Manhattan is now referred to as "Nikola Tesla Corner" to honor Tesla's laboratory located at 8 West 40th St, where he worked in 1900 on his famous Tesla Tower on Long Island. A plaque in Bryant Park Place recognizes the Engineer's Club, which gave Tesla the Edison Medal on May 18, 1917. Tesla has often seen feeding pigeons in Bryant Park in his later years.


7. In 1891, the same year he invented the Tesla coil, Nikola Tesla was granted U.S. citizenship. Tesla coils are electrical circuits that produce low-current, high-voltage electricity and are now commonly used in radios, televisions, and other electronics, as well as wireless transmission. At his experimental station in Colorado Springs, Colorado, a Tesla coil produced sparks measuring 30 feet in length that could be seen from a distance of 10 miles away.


6. During the "war of the currents," alternating current (AC) - which was favored by Tesla - competed with direct current (DC) - which was favored by Edison - for widespread acceptance. At stake was the foundation of the entire nation's electrical system. Edison embarked on a campaign against AC, claiming it was dangerous and could cause death. Tesla, in contrast, publicly exposed himself to 250,000-volt shocks to demonstrate the safety of AC. In the end, alternating current emerged victorious.


5. As a child, Tesla was fascinated by Niagara Falls's power; as an adult, he designed the first hydroelectric power plant there in New York. The construction took three years, and on November 16, 1896, the power generated by the plant first flowed to homes in Buffalo nearby. Today, a statue of Tesla on Goat Island overlooks the falls, commemorating his contributions.

4. A unit used to measure the strength of magnetic fields is named after Tesla. It is known as "teslas." Additionally, Tesla Motors, an electric car start-up, was named in honor of Tesla's pioneering work in the invention of the electric motor.


3. In 1901, Nikola Tesla received funding from J. Pierpont Morgan to construct his Wardenclyffe laboratory in Shoreham, Long Island. The lab featured the "Tesla Tower," a 185-foot tall structure with a 65-foot copper dome transmitter on top. Tesla's goal was to use the tower to transmit signals and provide free, unlimited wireless electricity all around the world. Although the project was not successful, Tesla's pioneering work established the basis for contemporary wireless energy transfer technology, including wireless chargers for electric toothbrushes, smartphones, and electric vehicles currently being studied at National Labs of the Energy Department.


2. Despite his many achievements, Tesla struggled financially due to his lack of business acumen. Morgan withdrew financial support for Tesla as he saw no profit potential in Tesla's idea of wireless electricity. This resulted in dual foreclosures on Wardenclyffe and the sale of Tesla's assets. The property was eventually purchased by a film processing company. In 1917, during World War I, the U.S. government demolished Tesla's partially constructed tower out of concern that German spies would use it to intercept communications.


1. In 2013, a non-profit organization successfully raised enough funds to purchase Tesla's long-abandoned Wardenclyffe laboratory on Long Island. The group planned to restore the building and convert it into a museum dedicated to Tesla and a center for science education.