
Nikola Tesla’s birthday

Nikola Tesla’s birthday

Why not celebrate Nikola Tesla’s day? Although his birthday doesn’t have any connections to the numbers 369, 10 July is celebrated by some as World Tesla Day. Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856 in Smiljan in today's Croatia. The Tesla Memorial Society ran an initiative to several officials asking 10 July to commemorate it as international Nikola Tesla Day, but still, it has only been celebrated nationally. For example, Croatia, the country in which he was born, celebrates the National day of Nikola Tesla, the day of science, technology, and innovation. State Intellectual Property Office of Croatia gives site visitors the collection of patent documents on its official website. This collection contains the 112 U.S. patents, 17 British and six Canadian patents of Nikola Tesla. Google honors Tesla by displaying a Google Doodle on his birthday.